
Visual Language in Scifi 101

What is a 'visual language'? The term 'visual language' refers to the meanings or ideas connected with visual elements of art, agreed either amongst an audience or between audience and creators.  These elements may be very broad ('black is for bad guys') or very specific ('blue space torpedoes are more powerful'), but when they are used without explanation we see that we as an audience bring a set of rules regarding how things should look, or a range of implicit meanings we are ready to understand and accept.  Engagement with art is not always a conscious decision, but not engaging with art usually is - and a consistent visual language is an effective way for creators to ensure we as an audience never stop to think about what these things mean, and simply experience it while paying attention to the narrative or more direct meaning of the work. In brief, when we picture a spaceship or a robot or a doom laser, we can imagine what this should look like
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